Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Myrna Loy and Ginger Rogers

I have been reading a lot on Myrna Loy and Ginger Rogers lately. And I must say that the two of them are amazing women. Did you know that Myrna Loy was the first to complain about how in every movie, a black man/woman are always cast as maids or servants? She walked into her studio and said "why not put on a suit and tie and allow them to walk into an office?" I must say, that is amazing considering that most people never complained to the big boss back in the day. :)

I was impressed to read that for Ginger Rogers, she did not cave into social activity and drink, or smoke much for that matter. Even though that the parties always included a cloud of smoke and glasses of alcohol  she was not a fan of either, and always declined the drink and smoke. However, she did pick up smoking for two years (she wrote in her biography) which she was not proud of that, but does admit with pride that she quit.

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